Monday, 27 April 2015

Recipe: Choco Orange Chompers

Hey everyone, 

Firstly I'd like to thank everyone for the response on my youtube videos, although I don't think many came from here:(

So today I thought I'd share with you a recipe which I produced as part of my English AS coursework last year, it's pretty strange but maybe give it a try and see how it turns out:) 

It involves oranges, mars bars and rice crispies/ cornflakes. The recipe is tailored to create the treats into either Easter treats or Halloween treats or even Christmas treats however just decorating them however you want is totally acceptable. 


·         Fresh, un-waxed oranges (size and amount depends on how many you wish to create- I normally use 3)
·         Rice Krispies™ or Corn Flakes™ (anything similar works)
·         Mars bars™ (again depends on how many you are making- I normally use 2 when using 3 oranges)

·         Non stick pan (to melt Mars bars™)
·         Large bowl
·         Black marker pen
·         Wooden spoon

1.       Slice a lid into the top of the oranges- Make sure to cut diagonally so it can be placed back on top of the orange without falling inwards.
2.       Remove the insides of the orange, cut around the outside with a sharp knife and then scoop out the remaining orange with a metal spoon. 
3.       Place the inside of the oranges on a plate and put the skins with their lids somewhere ready for you to get artistic with the marker pen.
4.       Draw on artistic or simple faces with your black pen- Go crazy, or be a little be artistic, it’s up to you!
5.       Place your Orange skins somewhere safe ready for their later use.
6.       Heat up your hob at a medium heat and place your Mars Bars into a bowl above a pan full of boiling water and melt slowly, make sure to keep stirring with your wooden spoon the whole time they are on the heat. Once fully melted remove from the heat.
7.      Pour suitable amount of your Rice Crispies (or other) into a large bowl and add you melted mars bar, squeeze as much orange juice as you can into this mixture and stir all together.
8.      Spoon mixture into the orange skins with enough room at the top for the lid.
9.      Place the oranges into the fridge so the mixture can set- Leave for at least 3 hours.
10.   Remove from the fridge and enjoy as a dessert, special snack or use for a Halloween/ Christmas/ Easter party.

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